Trusting the collective voice of our SLE teachers

SEELEY LAKE - In July of 2017, a group of dedicated, experienced teachers at Seeley Lake Elementary rightfully brought the alarming deficiencies of the previous superintendent to the attention of the School Board. They received little support from others within SLE right up until last summer, when it finally became obvious to all that their concerns were justified.

That suggests to us that this same group’s united grievances against the current superintendent are worth supporting. Their previous struggle was no doubt exhausting. Would they willingly enter another one unless they had ample justification? We trust the collective voice of these professionals who have so attentively and skillfully guided our own children for the past 11 years.  

As with their previous struggle, legal barriers have kept much of the pertinent information from the public, so we should avoid speculation and resist the temptation to engage in or be persuaded by personal attacks on social media. These teachers are resisting it, which is further evidence of their personal and professional standards. 

Our School Board members, privy to more applicable facts than you or I, are resisting it as well. Although two voted to renew Daniel Schrock’s contract and three voted to open the position to competition, none of them are resorting to personal attacks, and they, like these professional teachers, certainly don’t deserve to be the recipients of any. 

This didn’t have to devolve. Let’s remember the situation last summer and set aside for a moment any positive or negative opinions of Mr. Schrock: SLE was in dire need of an administrator and the pool of applicants was shallow because of the late date; other districts had already secured the most desirable candidates. The Missoula County superintendent made the very reasonable suggestion that the Board hire quickly to address the immediate crisis but to reopen the position again during the competitive season. That season has come.

As per state law, the Board notified Mr. Schrock of his non-renewal before February, and welcomed him to apply again. If Schrock stands out in a competitive field, then he could return next year. If not, SLE moves forward. Either way, our parents, our children and their teachers deserve a chance to know if there is someone else out there who will better serve the school and community. 


Trace Stone and Brie Guilmette, SLE parents


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