No cost financial and estate planning workshops

In recent years, Marsha A. Goetting, Montana State University Extension Family Economics Specialist, has presented programs and provided individual appointments in Seeley Lake about the need for all Montanans to take action and plan their estates. If you haven't taken action because you have lingering questions, Dr. Goetting is providing a new opportunity for you to have those questions answered.

Dr. Goetting will be presenting three, no cost financial and estate planning workshops on Monday, March 16 at Clearwater Credit Union, 3600 Brooks Street in Missoula. 

• 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Estate Planning for Every Montanan: Who will receive property if someone passes away without an estate plan? In this informative, entertaining presentation, Dr. Goetting combines her appreciation of Montana wildflowers with her ability to make estate planning easier and less expensive.

• 2 – 4 p.m. Settling an Estate: What do I Need to Know? The experience of settling an estate can be a time consuming and complex process. Planning and communication can simplify the process. Some estates will take relatively little work to settle while others will require considerable time and effort.

• 6 - 8 p.m. Planning for Long Term Care: Extension Specialist Joel Schumacher will join Dr. Goetting in providing information about long term care and Montana Medical Care Savings Accounts. Long-term care helps people of any age with their medical needs or daily activities over an extended period of time.

Dr. Goetting can't provide legal advice as she is not an attorney. Her goal is to provide information and answer questions about a wide variety of topics such as: how payable on death designations on financial accounts can avoid probate; how the new transfer on death deeds work on real property; how title affects who receives your property; the tax saving benefits of the Montana Endowment Tax Credit and what you can and cannot do with a will and trust.

Biography: Goetting is a Professor and Extension Family Economics Specialist at MSU, Bozeman. During the past seven years she has presented over 500 educational sessions reaching over 15,000 Montanans with financial and estate planning information. She has received state, regional and national awards for her programs. She is well known for her authorship of 43 MontGuides (fact sheets) in the estate planning area. Dr. Goetting received her bachelor's and master's degrees in Family Economics and Adult Education from Kansas State University and a PhD from Iowa State University.

Register online: or call either Missoula Aging Services at 406 728-7682 or Linda Howard, Seeley Swan Resource Specialist 406 541-7688.

The very best of health to you, Linda


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