SEELEY LAKE - The second phase of timber management for root disease around the Big Larch Campground will start within the next two weeks. Bull Creek Forestry, a local contractor, will work to remove dead, dying and diseased trees around the campground to prevent further spread. While work will not be happening directly in the campground, machinery and crews will be working in the vicinity. The public is advised to be aware of heavy equipment and crews of workers nearby.
The work is expected to be completed before the campground opens for the summer season and should not interfere with campground operations. However, there will be slash piles left over from the work, at landings, which the District will burn in the coming year as smoke management permits. The District will assess opportunities for public personal-use firewood access prior to burning the piles.
Winter access to the lake remains open unless otherwise posted. Big Larch Campground is scheduled to open for fee camping on May 22, 2020 for the summer season. If you have questions, please call the Seeley Lake Ranger District at 406-677-2233.
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