Fun with fishing and football

SEELEY LAKE – What do curling, football, shooting and ice fishing have in common? They are all the ways to score points at the annual Fishing and Football On The Ice that was held Saturday, Jan. 11 on the north end of Salmon Lake. Commonly referred to as FAFOTI, organizer Chris Neibauer of Seeley Lake said it is a group of his friends, many he has known for up to 40 years, that come from all over to eat good food, drink a few beers and try and catch some fish.

There used to be a big ice fishing tournament in Seeley Lake every year. However, Neibauer said he and his friends started the FAFOTI six year ago because they felt like shady stuff was happening during the tournament.

To be an official ice fishing tournament with entry fees and prizes, Neibauer would need a Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks permit.

"We have no entry fee, we have no prizes and the only thing you win is bragging rights for the year," said Neibauer who called it loosely a tournament.

The primary activity is fishing. Points are earned by weight measured by a digital scale.

At the second annual FAFOTI, Neibauer said they added football and curling.

The football game consists of a 10-minute game with three-person teams. Each team gets four downs to score and then the ball is turned over.

Everyone curls with frozen milk jugs. Each game is to 10 points.

This year they added shooting balloon targets at 50 yards with a pellet gun giving everyone a chance to improve their overall total points.

To win the tournament, scores are added from the football game, curling, shooting and fishing for each individual.

"You might not necessarily win with just fish," said Neibauer. "You might win with your other scores."

Last year's champion Joel Gaertig of Missoula won by catching perch.

However this year, even though Neibauer caught the biggest fish, a four-pound northern pike, Gaertig kept his title with "his exceptional football score," said Neibauer. "I was a horrible quarterback this year and threw several interceptions that cost us the game."

Win or lose Neibauer said, "We are just out here to have fun and catch some fish."


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