Disconnected from the head

My beautiful wife was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1985. MS is an auto-immune disease that causes debilitating issues between the brain and the body. Its effect causes parts of the external and internal body to not work as the brain is telling the body to work.

In January 2015 my wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer's dementia that causes the brain and the body to not work in harmony. There is no cure for either disease. Both of these diseases cause the body to be disconnected from the head.

The Bible often refers to Jesus Christ as the head and often calls the Church the body of Christ. Ephesians 5:23 states: "Christ also is the head of the church" and Colossians 1:18 states: "He is also head of the body, the church."

The apostle Paul illustrated the church by using the Head and Body analogy. Paul wrote in Colossians 2:19 "not holding fast to the head, from whom the entire body, being supplied and held together by the joints and ligaments, grows with a growth which is from God."

The Bible makes it clear that this analogy works for Christ/church the same way it works for head/body. We humans are an analogy of Christ and the Church. We humans are each a simple version of Almighty God and the wider Church.

So just like MS and Alzheimer's, when the body is disconnected from the Head (Christ), then the body (church) does not work as God intends it to work. This disconnection comes from sin. By not feeding (studying, praying) on the Word of God daily, we are not living out the Christian life as God intended.

We need to understand that the greatest Authority in all of creation has specifically placed each of us within the church body and given us gifts to be used to build up the church body. If the body is to function as He has purposed, each part must recognize his individual dependence upon and concern for the whole.

In addition, each must understand what the body is designed to accomplish. It is the responsibility of each part to subordinate himself to God because He wants the body to function efficiently and effectively in unity.

To understand this, perhaps we need nothing more than a deeper awareness that, despite the way things may presently look on the surface, our worldview-how we look at life and all its jumble of events, is quite narrow compared to God's. Once we see things from His perspective, then we can see we bear a major responsibility to the body of Christ because God has included us in His great purpose.

The church is holy because it belongs to God, and He has separated it from the world. Are you spiritually disconnected or knitted into the Body with Christ as the Head? I pray that you are connected to the Head and following Him in obedience.

My wife went home to Jesus on May 9, 2017.


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