MISSOULA - Seeley Lake ROCKS received a $10,000 grant for expansion of the ice rink at Seeley Lake Elementary school as part of nearly $37,000 in matching grants awarded by the Missoula County’s Parks and Trails Advisory Board.
Grant applications submitted this year reflect the community’s continued interest in enhancing trails for both transportation and recreation.
The newly formed Butler Creek Trail Association received $12,000 to complete preliminary design work for a shared-use path along Butler Creek Road, and the National Museum of Forest Service History received $7,500 to construct additional natural-surface recreational trails at their developing campus west of the Missoula Smokejumper Center.
The $10,000 ROCKS was one of two grants to help fund critical capital and maintenance projects at existing facilities. Friends of 2 Rivers received $7,386 to complete upgrades to the baseball field infrastructure and apply weed and feed lawn treatments at Hellgate Lions Park in Bonner.
“ROCKS has been fortunate to receive a Missoula County matching grant of $10,000 which allows us to expand the skating rink facility and add lighting and a storage shed for skates and equipment,” said Garry Swain, ROCKS ice rink committee member. “As we return from the holiday break, we hope that local children and their families will enjoy this additional outdoor winter activity for the balance of the season.”
The Parks and Trails Matching Grant Program leverages partnerships with local nonprofits and community groups to maintain county parks and other public recreation areas. In these partnerships, the Parks, Trails and Open Lands Program provides planning assistance and funding, while the partner organization matches those funds through a combination of project expenses, in-kind donations and volunteer service hours.
Organizations interested in receiving information on the next round of funding, typically announced in late summer, should email Missoula County Park and Trails Coordinator John Stegmaier at jstegmaier@missoulacounty.us.
For more information, call Juniper Davis, Parks, Trails and Open Lands program manager, at 406-259-4716 or email jdavis@missoulacounty.us. More information on the Matching Grants Program is also available at https://www.missoulacounty.us/government/community-development/community-planning-services/parks-trails/matching-grants#ad-image-0
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