Potomac program captivates audience

POTOMAC - There was standing room only during the annual Potomac School Christmas Program Dec. 18 in the Potomac/Greenough Community Center (PGCC) as more than 300 people attended to watch the students and sit with family and friends.

Highlights of the evening included the annual art silent auction, presentation of raffle prizes by the eighth grade, singing and dancing, special guests and Christmas cookies and drinks.

Eighth grader Lauren Nordberg emceed the event again this year. She introduced the classes that sang Christmas favorites including "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer," "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and "Deck the Halls" as well as the vocal trios and duets that rapped and sang "Last Christmas," "Peace by Peace" and "Hallelujah."

To add to the singing, the skits "Frosty the Snowman" and "Rusty Chevrolet" were performed and Sarah Schmill's chime class played assorted selections.

Towards the end of the event and after a heartfelt introduction by Nordberg, the entire student body and staff dedicated the song "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" to Potomac first grade teacher Terri Klein and sang it to her. Despite her ongoing fight with cancer, Klein attended the program.

During and after the song, all were overcome with emotion, and the audience was on their feet clapping and cheering with tears in their eyes. Klein said she is beyond blessed to be part of the Potomac community and said she is honored by all the support she has received. She wants to bring hope to others battling cancer.

The evening drew to a close as Santa Claus stopped in to pass out goodies to all the children as families and friends snacked on Christmas treats. The program was presented by teacher Christie Taillefer and the students. Many audience members favorably remarked on the powerful vocals, classical songs and overall amazing evening.


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