Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder count
The fifth grade bell choir played "Bell Piel" and "St. Nick" arranged and directed by Bev Evans.
Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder count
The preschoolers and transitional kindergarten show off their moves to "Old Town Roof" an arrangement based on Lil Nas X's "Old Town Road" written by the preschool teachers Jama Mauldin and Laura Devins.
Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder count
Bev Evans playing snare drum with Eathan Bruton in the sixth grade band. They played "Rolling Along" and "Hot Crossed Buns." Many of the teachers commented how impressed they were with how much the junior high students have improved since band started this fall. While some of the students in the seventh and eighth grade bands have played an instrument before, for most of the sixth graders, this is their first exposure to playing an instrument.
Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder count
The third graders donned red and green antlers as they sang "Winter Wonderland" and "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer."
Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder count
Wearing Santa hats with antlers poking out the top, the kindergartners sang "Jingle Bells" and "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town."
Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder count
"Sister, Susie sitting on a thistle!" was easier for some to say than others as the first graders sang "All I Want for Christmas is my two front teeth."
Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder count
The seventh and eighth grade band played "My Dreydl" and "Jingle, Jingle Bells." Fifteen students played in the junior high band at the concert.
Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder count
Second graders sang "White Christmas" and "O Christmas Tree."
Nathan Bourne, Pathfinder count
SLE fourth graders showed their holiday spirit singing "Deck the Halls" and "Holly Jolly Christmas."
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