Solstice for the bears exceeds expectations

SWAN VALLEY - More than 150 people crowded into the main lodge of the Oro Ranch on Saturday night, Dec. 14 in honor of a grizzly sow named Windfall, to raise money and ensure that future generations will see grizzlies in the meadows and forests of the Swan Valley.

"I am really surprised at the turnout, especially for a community of this size," newcomer Phil Grunis said above the noise in a room crowded with fellow bear lovers.

"We want to do everything we can to help make communities compatible for both wildlife and humans," he said.

Event organizer Kathy Koors said people were "Wowed" by the...


Reader Comments(1)

sos writes:

So impressed with bears bringing neighbors together for a kinder, better world. Now reading a terrific book that links unusual wildlife behavior to post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) from persecution by humans: Carnivore Minds: Who These Fearsome Animals Really Are, by G.A. Bradshaw. May this Swan Valley group succeed in enabling peaceful co-existence with our wild neighbors.