Many questions that deserve answers

SEELEY LAKE - I was sorry to have missed the sewer board meeting Thursday night due to an out of town trip. However, I heard Friday morning that it is going to be $130 per month per hook up. We probably won’t go broke with this fee but it is going to seriously impact the family that rents our extra lot. This fee will double their rent.

I am sure that someone will be wondering why we would raise their rent to cover it, why not just absorb this increased expense? The answer is, the taxes already take six months of the rent and the balance goes to a savings account for our granddaughters’ future. 

This save the environment at the expense of the community, when there has been no determination of whom and what exactly is ruining the environment, is definitely a power move. I still advocate primarily to determine exactly who or what is causing the pollution and find a solution to that.

In all of these years of testing, no one has ever suggested putting a dye down our toilet and seeing, if we personally, are a contributor. It is really in some ways like garbage. We go to the dump about quarterly with two or three black bags of garbage and some families have a weekly pick up of a dumpster. Who then is contaminating the environment more?

There was a huge algae bloom here a few weeks ago and we haven’t heard what was the cause. Was it sewage, motor oil, fertilizer or ????? Again, it seems that this rocket ship is on a trajectory that can’t be altered or adjusted just because someplace, someone decided that a giant sewer plant was the answer and then we can have “growth in the community” which no one has determined we want. 

Let’s all pray that this bid comes in so over the top that it will give the sewer board the incentive to reevaluate and reconsider options and look to the new technology that is out there. The contention that we will lose all our grants has never been confirmed. Have we asked the grantors if installing a better cheaper system would negate their assistance? That might be the first of many questions to ask. 

Cheryl Thompson

Seeley Lake, Mont.


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