SSHS off and running

Principal's Corner

Hello from Seeley-Swan High School. We have had an exciting first month of school. Students, staff and myself are settling in to the new year. Students were able to have a great service learning day outside the classroom when we had our annual Discovery Day. We had groups taking art walks in Missoula, visiting the smokejumper center, learning survival skills at Rainy Lake, and hiking and cleaning the campgrounds at Holland Lake. I would like to thank everyone who helped make that day a success and specifically Ms. Smith and Ms. Messenger who organized the day.

I would also like to take a minute to remind everyone the importance of their student being here every day. Since we have a four-day week, we put a lot of time and learning into those days. Whenever possible please try and plan appointments and trips for Fridays. If your student is going to be gone during the week it helps a lot if they can let their teachers know in advance, so they can help get students with the assignments they will miss.

The greenhouse at SSHS is full of cucumbers, kale, squash, carrots, onions and tomatoes. These are being harvested and used in the lunchroom to help round out the school lunch. Mr. Stone and his classes have done a lot of work to make this possible.

We have a lot of exciting things coming up in the next month at SSHS. This week is Homecoming! The Homecoming parade will be Saturday morning at 10 am. The parade will start at the Seeley Lake Motor Lodge, go down Highway 83 to Redwood Lane, turn left on Tamarack Drive and follow Airport Road back to the school. Homecoming Royalty will be crowned at half time of the football game.

We have a maker space and 3D printer that will be coming to the school soon. These will give students a chance to explore and create projects in the field of Science, Engineering, Art, and Math. We are always looking for ways to increase the opportunities afforded to our students and welcome any suggestions or volunteers that could help.

On Oct. 8th we will host the October Missoula County School Board Meeting at SSHS. The meeting will take place in the school cafeteria starting at 6 p.m. I encourage everyone to attend.

Thank you and GO BLACKHAWKS!


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