Road and culvert work on Cold Lakes Road, access impacted

SWAN VALLEY - The Swan Lake Ranger District of the Flathead National Forest will recondition existing Cold Lakes Road (FS No. 9599) by installing metal pipe and placing aggregate surfacing on the road.  Work will continue the week of Sept. 23 and will impact access to the Cold Lakes Trailhead.

The work is located west of the Condon Post Office. The length of road affected by the work of installing crushed aggregate is 1.5 miles on the Cold Lakes Road (FS Road No. 9599). Gravel for the project will be hauled from the Forest Service gravel pits on Porcupine Road in Lake County (Section 35, T25N, R18W) and the Forest Service gravel pit on Piper Road near the intersection of FS Road No.’s 966 and 888 (Section 18, T22N, R17W). 

The Flathead National Forest wants to let the public know there is heavy equipment and large haul trucks at work in the Cold Lakes area and access to the Cold Lakes Trailhead will be impacted during the work.  


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