Holland Lake fee discussion continues, maintenance update

Swan Valley Community Council

SWAN VALLEY - Swan Lake District Ranger Chris Dowling gave updates on maintenance work completed on the District and led a discussion about the day use fee at Holland Lake at the Swan Valley Community Council meeting Aug. 19.

Dowling said that maintenance on Holland Lake Road and Kraft Creek Road was completed July 25. The District shared costs and resources with Missoula County for the project.

Council member Lacey McNutt asked how often this maintenance will take place or is it “one and done”?

Dowling said there are lots of variables as to when maintenance occurs including travel frequency, commercial use and winter plowing which creates water pooling and potholes.

Dowling added that he would listen to the community’s concerns, attend Council meetings with updates and is continuing to look into more funding for maintenance and restoration in the Swan. He has a list of all the roads slated for maintenance in the entire Swan Lake District. Those interested can contact him for more information at cdowling@fs.fed.us or calling 406-837-7501.

The Van Lake work is expected to be complete Sept. 3. A resident asked if there will be a fee at Van Lake after the restoration is completed. Dowling said there would be no fee as restoration funds were used to improve the road, the sites, the boat ramps and access to them.

Dowling also discussed the Holland Lake Day Use fee. He said he wanted to find a balance between the US Forest Service, the community and the concessionaire who was not present at the meeting. He presented three options for dealing with the Day Use fee. He encouraged conversation about his proposals and other options from the community. Dowling said he wants to make a decision about what appears to be the best direction by November in time for next season.

The options presented were:

• Take no action and continue with the present direction to phase out the permits in the 2020 season.

• Campground fees to be raised to cover the Day Use operational costs. Approximately a 10 percent increase over the present $18 fee up to $20. Day Use would be free because it is also used by campers.

• A community partnership with the Swan Valley Community Foundation to empower local citizens to help manage improvements by volunteering and fund raising. To identify areas that need improvement and finding ways to fund them. Funding would have to be found for the maintenance done by the concessionaire.

Those in attendance disagreed with having to raise funds and volunteer to perform maintenance and improvements.

There was support for the 10 percent increase, giving the campers responsibility for their impact they make on the area. However, a resident said when he camped at Tally Lake that there are added fees such as additional vehicles and larger campers leading to a much higher fee. Dowling agreed that there are extra fees in those cases in the Swan Lake District. So the fee would be much higher than $20.

Swan Valley resident Marcia Tapp asked, “Why couldn’t we just continue with what we have, the Foundation donating the money to the concessionaire. Is that completely off the table?”

Dowling said that it is a different concessionaire this year and it is at their discretion to eliminate the permits in the 2020 season.

After Chair Ken Donovan, who also is a board member of the Foundation, said that there was no contract with the former concessionaire or the present one. A resident recommended having the next agreement in writing.

Foundation member John Tapp said the community needs to have interaction with the concessionaire. Dowling recommended getting input from the community about the three options or another they would have.

Council member Nathan Richardson suggested that Dowling could act as a liaison with the concessionaire to get communication going between the Council, Forest Service, concessionaire and the community. Dowling said he would agree to this. Dowling also said that the concessionaire wanted to communicate with the community and he thought meeting with the Foundation would be less intimidating to them than attending a Council meeting.

Another suggestion was to have the Foundation board meet with the concessionaire since they can enter into agreements and the Council can not. Dowling agreed to be at this meeting. Council and Foundation board member Henry Westra said, “It is hard to make a large commitment because we don’t have the funding now. We can meet and facilitate it but can’t commit funds. We depend solely on donations.”

John Tapp suggested that the next step would be for the Foundation to meet with the concessionaire and Forest Service. He thought it should be done soon as there are many more steps to be taken.

Dowling said that he would communicate with the concessionaire about this meeting and that he would be present.

In other business, Jonathan Bowler, of Swan Valley Connections and Missoula County Open Lands Citizen Advisory Committee, is working with Missoula County Commissioners and asked for input on the city, county open space bond funds.

He said he would update the Council on his newly appointed position on Fish Wildlife and Parks’ Grizzly Bear Advisory Council when it meets Oct. 3 and 4. The GBAC is made up of 18 members around the state appointed by the governor. Bowler said they are charged with creating recommendations for state management and coexistence with grizzly bears by August or September 2020.

The monthly meeting minutes will be available on Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks website. http://fwp.mt.gov/ Bowler’s contact information is jonathan@SVconnections.org or 406-754-3137

Chair Ken Donovan read a letter from the Missoula County Commissioners saying that they wanted to hear about local concerns and would like to work with the community with those concerns. They asked to be put on the agenda of future meetings to help with issues important to the community.

Missoula County Commissioners Josh Slotnick and Juanita Vero and Community and Planning Services planner Andrew Hagemeier were present at the meeting. They introduced themselves to those in attendance.

The next SVCC meeting will be held Sept. 17 at the Swan Valley Community Hall at 7 p.m.


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