Seeley Lake Elementary School
SEELEY LAKE – The Seeley Lake Elementary School board approved the budget and made several new hires at their Aug. 19 and Aug. 23 meetings. Superintendent Daniel Schrock continues to look for opportunities to streamline processes and set SLE up for a great year.
The school board unanimously adopted the 2019-2020 general budget of just over $1,431,181.06.
District Clerk Heather Mincey said the mills went down this year lowering taxes for property owners. She also informed the board that there is about $23,000 uncollected District tax levy revenue. This affects the cash available to the District. The District is only at 6.8 percent of the reserves instead of the target of 10 percent which they should reach once they receive the tax revenue.
The board approved hiring Seeley-Swan High School Music Director Sandra Abbott part time to reinvigorate the music program at SLE. Schrock hopes that once the program is built up, the junior high students can be a part of the high school pep band as well.
The board hired past SLE Physical Education teacher Brett Haines as a Special Education Para-educator. Schrock said the position was not advertised. SLE School District Policy 5010 allows the superintendent to decide whether or not to advertise. He didn’t feel it was in anyone’s best interest to interview just to interview when he had a qualified candidate with experience.
“Based on our case load, the diversity within our students both male and female and the fact that he is known and has that familiarly, I’m confident in my recommendation in his ability to make a positive impact especially on those at-risk students that struggle,” said Schrock who added he was on a short time line to fill the position.
Board Chair Ryen Neudecker told Schrock that the para positions are a great opportunity for members of the community to work with the students. Her past observation is there has not been good communication between the school and community when these opportunities are available. While she validated Schrock’s right to hire Haines the way that he did, she asked that in the future “a broad net be cast” when seeking to fill positions and volunteer positions because there may be great applicants that otherwise would not have had the opportunity to apply.
At a special meeting Aug. 23 the board unanimously approved hiring Seeley Lake resident Laura Devins as the part time pre-kindergarten paraprofessional.
Because Kelsey Kerney, who was hired at the July board meeting, declined the second grade position, it was reopened. Two applicants were interviewed. The Board approved hiring past SLE substitute teacher Patricia Crum for the open second grade teacher.
Crum was hired on a provisional license. Schrock noted that she was enrolled in an education program prior to applying for the open position. He will also ensure that there is yearly progress and Crum is on target to completing her teaching degree.
In other business, the board discussed disposal of old computer equipment. Mincey said Michele Holmes and Dave Spence went through all the equipment, hard drives were removed and the equipment was no longer usable at the school.
Trustee Jenna Boltz felt the school should try and sell what they can to make sure they weren’t “throwing away money” or “chucking out resources that may benefit some kids.”
Wayne said he was comfortable going with Spence’s and Holmes’ recommendation because they know what it is and he trusts their judgment.
The board instructed Mincey to rewrite the resolution to dispose of or recycle equipment that is obsolete or doesn’t work. Mincey will contact Spence to pull out anything that, while it may not meet the school’s standards, it still functions. Community members can protest the resolution until Sept. 10 (see page 19 for the legal notice).
The board also unanimously approved obtaining a corporate procurement card and a revised agreement between SLE and the Swan Valley School that eliminates the administrator from the services provided. Swan Valley School hired a part time principal and will no longer be sharing the administrator with SLE.
The next school board meeting will be Sept. 16 at 5:30 p.m.
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