SEELEY LAKE - The Sewer Board circus continues. Last week it approved a resolution for public review which would require EVERY property in the sewer district to hook up. Remember, if you have two lots under your home you will pay two debt service obligations. So, whatever the monthly charge comes out to be....double it if you have two lots under your home. Current cost estimates are already nearly THREE TIMES the statewide average for sewer service and will undoubtedly go higher as the construction estimates come in.
Also the Board signed a certification to the EPA that it has studied and evaluated the cost effectiveness of its proposal and has selected a proposal that maximizes use, reuse, recapture and conservation of water. It clearly has not done this folks and it is lying to the EPA to certify that it has.
As an has line-itemed the cost of transferring the sludge the proposed plant generates to Missoula, when clearly it could be mixing that sludge locally with Pyramid Mountain Lumber sawdust and developing a profitable peat business that could defray the cost to residents. It has not even examined this potential cost-savings.
Also, it has never examined with the Board of County Commissioners a “green belt” ordinance used by many urban counties to require planting of shoreline vegetation which helps reduce the flow of nutrients into watercourses and lakes.
And it has NEVER conducted a comprehensive analysis of the groundwater up by the airport (where the proposed plant is to be located). This plant at full capacity will inject nearly three million gallons of contaminated water a month into the aquifer jeopardizing the nearly 100 drinking water wells up there. The plant is incapable of removing all medical and chemical waste compounds in the treatment process.
Don Larson
Seeley Lake, Mont.
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