Subject to Whom?

When traveling to other countries, I have noticed that virtually everywhere we go, there are people who are proud citizens of their nations. These citizens could be called subjects of their country, though that is a term that is not used as commonly as it used to be, and could give a bit of negative connotation to those who may bristle at the thought of being “subject” to authority. This use of the word subject also is related to the word submission, which likewise often has a negative connotation.

However, we are all subject to someone or something and are required to submit to those someones or somethings. First and foremost, we submit to God as the supreme Creator and Ruler of this universe. As a US Citizen, resident of Missoula County in the great state of Montana, I willingly submit to our local, state and national laws and rules.

As a contractor, I willingly submit to the building codes of the jurisdiction that I am constructing in. No, of course, I definitely do not agree with all of those rules and laws, but many of them are there to keep me safe from threats coming from both outside our country and inside our country and the rules I have to be subject to when building are largely designed to keep safe those who will be using those buildings. When we are hired to do work for another general contractor, I have to submit to their particular jobsite rules.

In this, I propose that there is a freedom that comes from submitting to the authorities that are over us. When we submit to our nations laws, we are protected as law-abiding citizens of our nation. Those who choose not to submit end up losing their freedoms by being incarcerated.

When I submit to building codes I get the freedom to build within the boundaries of those codes. If I don’t follow the codes the job gets shut down, we have to redo what has already been built and could ultimately lose the business or contractor license that allows the company to operate.

Romans 13:1-2 says “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.”

There is a freedom found in submitting to the governing authorities; if we resist submitting to the governing authorities, we will lose the protection that we gain from them and our freedom will actually be limited.

It is also true that the better the authority is that we are subject to, the easier it is to submit. God, being all righteous, all holy, all loving and who was willing to give His only Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins, deserves our submission most of all. I am proud to be one of His subjects!


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