Just as He did

In this busy world in which we find ourselves, it is sometimes good to take a step back and ask the question, what is this life all about? We can often get caught up in so many trivial events that we don’t take time to ponder the eternal things. Perhaps, as the Savior noted, one of the greatest of these is to love thy neighbor. The question is how can we show that love?

We may love a person, and recognize a need they have, but feel inadequate to respond. But it doesn’t have to be a big thing. For some, the giving of a smile, a friendly “hello,” or a small gift, or a strong back is all it takes. Small and simple acts can have powerful results on the hearts and minds of those around us, even though we may not recognize it

Many years ago, I was stricken with an ailment that completely paralyzed my facial muscles and much of the rest of my body. I couldn’t smile! I should note that since I was unable to express my feelings by facial expressions, I found that I was able to share lots of stupid jokes without a smile. But I also learned that a kind smile would have helped at times, even though I couldn’t do so at the time.

I have a friend that drives a truck and he mentioned to me that he always tries to drive his truck the way that Jesus would. As we talked, I began to understand that in whatever activity we are involved, if we could perform that task, finish that assignment, or just live the day the way that Jesus would, it would make lots of things better. Certainly, by our actions, even though small, we can show that we love our neighbor.

The Savior, in discussing those that would receive blessings hereafter, noted that those that fed the hungry, housed the stranger, clothed the naked and ministered to the sick, would be blessed, “inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Transferring this thought into today’s world, my plea would be to align ourselves with the Savior’s pattern and try to act as He would act in all that we do, whether it is trivial or not. Let’s take a little time to share kindness and love. Try to live just as He did. For He has said, “therefore, what manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am.”



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