A tough question or a "no brainer"?

SEELEY LAKE - In what world does a board director ask the district manager for specific information relating to a topic the manager discussed with the public at a recent meeting and be denied access to that information? That occurred last week in the bizarre world of the Seeley Lake Sewer District.

On June 10th I emailed district manager Jean Curtiss requesting the cost estimates for Phases 3 and 4 which became part of the public discussion at the special board meeting on June 6. Ms. Curtiss responded saying that she would not release the data to me until the regular board meeting— i.e., until it suited her. She said board president Pat Goodover found that choice acceptable.

In the world I normally live in and by procedures and values I respect, their thinking and choices were about as far from appropriate as one can get. I was left feeling stunned and severely disrespected. That I have been denied access to fundamental information— information which was openly referenced a few days prior. Phase 3 and 4 cost estimates that would not even exist if I had not pushed hard to secure them— was more than offensive. It was obstructive.

YOU DECIDE. Is this the out-of-order, peculiar world you want to try to survive in? Is this behavior you find acceptable from an employee and an appointed director? What is going on?

As the only representative legitimately elected by two-thirds of the active electorate who is left in the game, I am appalled. How about you? Let me know…I am listening. bethyhutchinson@hotmail.com or 406-425-3601.

Let the rest of the board know. Find out if any others believe there is common sense and conventional rules of the game which need to be respected.

Beth Hutchinson

SLSD Board of Directors


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