Life's not just all about you

By and large, humans are innately self-centered. We are consumed with the pursuit of pleasing ourselves, doing what we want and getting what we want. So often our priority in life is SELF-LOVE. We are self-focused, self-indulgent, self-centered, self-absorbed, self-important, self-promoting, etc. Our perspective is inward, and we exude a single-mindedness toward self-satisfaction. Let’s face it, even if we don’t say it out loud, we all generally think “life revolves around me!”

With the explosion of technology and social media, particularly with Facebook, a proliferating epidemic of self-promotion is in full bloom. Considering that Facebook was probably born with the intent to keep in touch with past and present friends and family, we self-absorbed humans find Facebook a platform to gain attention and recognition for ourselves, our families, our financial status, our exploits, and/or our educational accomplishments & prowess.

So many folks want Attention, and some don’t care if it’s positive or negative. There are so many who go to extreme lengths to get Attention to promote their own importance and agenda. For example, look at fashion. Styles, from my old-fashioned viewpoint, have become outrageous! But, if you can gain Attention through a “style”, then we’ll give that avenue a shot so others will look at us!

Inherently, we’re born with a sinful nature (Romans 3:23) and we are selfish folks. Yet, God desires our repentance, wants a relationship with us and loves us so much that He made a Plan of Salvation for us.

God loves us and sent His only Son Jesus from His glorious Heavenly Home to live in a sinful world, to teach us Who He is, and to suffer and die as a Sacrifice for our sins. And thankfully, Jesus made it possible for us to have a relationship with God and to one day live eternally with Him in Heaven. Jesus’ death was sufficient for all Mankind but is not effective for anyone until we admit we are sinners, believe in Jesus Christ, change from our sinful ways, become obedient to God’s commands.

God desires that we die to self, strive to be Christ-like, be humble, and love others. In 2 Corinthians 5:15, Paul says of Jesus, “He died for everyone so that those who receive His new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, Who died and was raised for them.”

Jesus refreshed His command about love in John 13:34-35: “…. Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

God wants us to be obedient to His Scripture, to show the world Christ and to show the world that we are different – to put others’ interests above ourselves; to make our innate love for ourselves secondary to our love for one another. We are commanded to think of others more highly than ourselves and to care for one another, to be encouragers to others and to help those in need.

Jesus loved us and gave His life for us. “Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other.” (1 John 4:11)


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