Salmon Prairie School graduates entire student body

SALMON PRAIRIE - Friends and family of Salmon Prairie School gathered to celebrate the graduates June 3. All three students at the school graduated, Levi Webb and Kase Anderson from eighth grade and Stetson Hulett from kindergarten.

Each graduate and their teacher Holl Hubbard spoke to those in attendance about their experiences at Salmon Prairie. The graduates' grandmothers presented them their diplomas.

Anderson said he was glad and lucky that he has spent nine years at Salmon Prairie learning and preparing for high school. He thanked his parents, school board and teacher for all their support.

He mentioned a long list of outdoor sports that he enjoys including dirt biking which he said, "As you can see has not worked out too well." He is wearing a brace to help heal his broken shoulder from a dirt bike accident. He said in the future he would like to be a helicopter pilot.

Anderson's great grandmother Leita Anderson presented him his diploma. She said that Anderson was the fourth generation to graduate from Salmon Prairie. His great-great grandfather Carl Anderson helped build the old school now located across the road in the early 1920s. He has a long list of relatives who have also graduated from the school. She said that she was proud of him, to be his great grandma and to be here at his graduation.

Webb, who has attended the school the past four years, also likes outdoor sports. He said he loved this one room school and is prepared for high school with what he has learned. He thanked his teacher for making school more tolerable with his jokes. He is sure that Hubbard has given him the tools to succeed in school and life. He thanked his parents who put many miles on their tires driving him back and forth. He said the community members have also helped him by attending the school's parties, plays and barbeques over the years.

Webb's grandmother Shirley Webb thanked Levi's teacher for all he has done in the past four years for Levi. She said, "I am proud of you."

Hulett, 5, said he liked recess and math tests. He also likes to fish and ice fish and ride his bike.

Stetson's grandmother Debbie Hulett hugged her grandson and said that it has been fun watching him grow up.

Hubbard, who has taught at the school for the past 15 years, said he enjoyed working with the two eighth grade graduates for the past several years.

He contrasted his unique relationship with students attending the one-room school house for as long as nine years with other schools where students are in a classroom for one year and then move on. He said he is more connected with them and "I think of them and wonder about them when they are away."

Hubbard said that he and the students talked about the word grit during the school year. He asked for the definition from those in attendance. Tenacity, determination and courage were offered. He said he wanted the boys to return someday and tell him how they define grit.

Hubbard then presented the eighth grade graduates with pocket knives inscribed with Salmon Prairie 2019.

"The world is wide open to you if you do your best, don't give up and work hard," said Hubbard. "I and the community have great hopes for you."


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