The journey

The gift of salvation begins as a gift, it is not earned or it would be a wage. The beginning of the journey begins II Timothy 1:9, “Who has resurrected us and called with SET-APART calling; not according to our works but according to His good pleasure and favor that was given us in Yeshua the Mashiyach from time before the ages.”

Word of ELOHIM, not works, has everything to do with the beginning of the journey. Since a spoken word has its beginning in thought life, this verse says that Yahuah was thinking of you ages ago. Creature come up out of the corruption and be SET-APART [DIFFERENT THAN THE WORLD].

YAHUWH’s eternal word – known, believed and trusted becomes the instructions and substance to the journey without end. His words, powered by the Ruach [Spirit] relieves us of all of our fears, uncertainties and doubts so that we can be free to do business with the creator of heaven and earth. “With whom we have to do,” Yahuawh’s Torah instruction, [Matthew 4:4…Every word that proceeds out of the mouth of Elohim] nurtures us to maturity, so that we may walk in agreement to the one who called us. Amos 3:3 “How would two walk together, without agreement.”

His light shines on the word seed and live word birth comes up fruitful in His likeness. “Seed time and harvest” seed law always produces like kind.

1 Peter 1:23 “Having been born again – not of corruptible seed but incorruptible seed-through the living WORD of ELOHIM which remains forever.”

YOU are the harvest of your FATHER’S seed. IT IS A WORD BIRTH.



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