MDT plans and wood stoves at next council meeting

Monday’s Seeley Lake Community Council promises a full agenda for their May 13 meeting.

It will start out with Donny Pfeifer, Montana Department of Transportation Missoula District Preconstruction Engineer, who will talk about plans for Highway 83 and other projects that might be of interest to the Seeley Lake Community.

Karen Hughes of the County’s Community Planning and Services will follow Pfeifer. She will introduce Climate Ready Communities, which is a county-wide resiliency planning process led jointly by Missoula County, the City of Missoula and Climate Smart Missoula. The county is seeking public input on the first phase of the project this spring and wants to share information with the community.

Next is Ben Schmidt, Air Quality Specialist of the County Health Department. He is looking to share some Seeley Lake wood stove proposals with the community and get feedback.

Finally, Quinn Carver, USFS Acting District Ranger, will give an update on Forest Service activities. He may be accompanied by Carolyn Uptown, the new Lolo Forest Supervisor. She is eager to meet the Seeley Lake community and would talk about her background as well as the projects on the Lolo Forest that she is tackling first. At press time her appearance has not been confirmed.

The Community Council meetings are now streaming live on the Council’s Facebook page and are being stored for future reference.  While listeners can follow the meeting easily, it is still advisable to attend the meeting, look speakers in the eye, hear more clearly what they are saying and asking them provocative questions. The Facebook recordings are intended only for people who live far away or can’t attend the meeting for pressing reasons.

 The informal part of the meeting will start at 5:30 p.m. Monday night at Seeley Lake Historical Museum and Visitors Center, 2920 Highway 83, with pizza and water. The formal meeting begins at 6 p.m.

 For further information please contact Klaus von Stutterheim, SLCC Chair, at 406-210-8576 or


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