Is your home prepared for wildfire?

SEELEY LAKE - Local fire agency experts will be available to conduct free wildfire home risk assessments during the Seeley Lake Community Wildfire Preparedness Day May 4. This is an educational opportunity for homeowners to speak with fire professionals and discuss ways to reduce their wildfire risk.

In Montana, May is designated as Wildfire Awareness Month. The Seeley Lake Community Wildfire Preparedness Day will help kick off Wildfire Awareness Month. It is designed to build community neighborhood cohesion to prepare, educate and take action to reduce wildfire risk.

The Community Wildfire Preparedness Day is a local effort to engage Seeley Lake in the National Wildfire Preparedness Day, promoted by the National Fire Protection Association and cosponsored by State Farm Insurance. There has been a community wildfire preparedness event in Seeley Lake since 2016.

"We want to build on a national effort to get folks thinking as we head into fire season, about being prepared as a community," said Cory Calnan, outgoing Fire Management Officer with the DNRC Clearwater Unit.

This year Calnan said the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and other fire agencies in the community wanted to raise awareness around the home ignition zone and perform home risk assessments on homes in the valley. This is an important component to the wildfire problem across the nation.

"We really need to take a holistic approach," said Calnan. "A part of the National Cohesive Strategy is to encourage communities to become more fire adapted. We really want to encourage homeowners to take action for themselves recognizing that we all need to be part of the solution."

Calnan further explained the solution goes beyond investing in more fire suppression equipment. Homeowners need to take ownership in the problem, regardless of what surrounding landowners and land management agencies are doing to change forest conditions, and do everything they can to promote resilience on their property and home.

Calnan said personnel from the DNRC Clearwater Unit, Seeley Lake Fire Department, Seeley Lake Ranger District and Clearwater Resource Council hope to perform 30-40 home assessments on May 4. Fire and forestry officials will be paired on assessment teams and they will conduct the home assessments in about an hour.

Calnan emphasized that the assessment is totally voluntary and the information will not be shared or provided to outside parties.

"It is a really good opportunity to have the undivided attention of an expert or someone that has a lot of experience in fire in your front yard to guide you and help make some decisions," said Calnan. "This is strictly an educational and informational opportunity for homeowners that will give them the tools to move forward. Even slight changes can make a big difference."

Interested homeowners are asked to schedule an appointment. Call the DNRC at 406-244-5857 during normal business hours.


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