Billy Graham - A man of God

We’d have to be marooned on a deserted island or live in a hellhole like North Korea to not know the great Billy Graham passed away. Of all his preaching the one thing I remember most was how it changed the life of one native.

I was at a men’s retreat and listened to a man whose testimony was so striking you’d never forget it.

His mother left him as an infant on his grandmother’s porch and walked away. Raised without a father or mother, his best friend became John Barleycorn.

Passed out on his couch after a drinking spree, he later woke staring at the TV he’d left on. Lo and behold there was none other than Billy Graham, pointing his finger at the man.

Sez Billy, “Jesus Christ can change your life.”

The man reached out and touched Billy’s finger there and as many of us know, Jesus still performs miracles. No more firewater and he began to pray for his daughter that his wife had walked away with years before because of his drinking.

One day, out of the blue, the ex-wife calls and sezs “your turn to look after your 12-year-old daughter.”

And so lives were healed and made whole again because God used a faithful preacher to reach out and touch a lost and hurting soul.

Billy’s crusade hymn may say it best,

“Just as I am, and waiting not

To rid my soul of one dark blot

To thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot

O Lamb of God I come! I come!”


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