Thank you HD92

Thank you, residents of House District 92! You have graciously welcomed me at your homes and at all the many events I have attended this past year.

I am a hardworking, blue collar worker and public servant. I live in House District 92 and have for 35 years, while my opponent does not.

I understand our issues and I am proud to run on my own merits, listening to all sides of the issues with everyone in my District, regardless of party affiliation. By listening to everyone, without passing judgment, I find we have much more in common than we have differences. That is how I intend to represent our values - building bridges to common ground in the legislature. Contrary to a recent mailer from my opponent’s party, I have no intention of raising our taxes.

Please exercise your Right to Vote. It’s the strongest power we have in our Democracy! It is our privilege and our responsibility.

Let your voice be heard through your mail-in ballot and at the polls. Please Vote for Lee Bridges for HD92!

Lee Bridges

Candidate for HD92


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