Collective Shadow

Psychological Perspectives

I described the shadow in previous articles but it is so relevant for our daily lives that it is important to present it again. This time let me introduce a few twists and begin with this quote from On the Abolition of All Political Parties by Simone Weil. "One recognizes that the partisan spirit makes people blind, makes them deaf to justice, pushes even decent men cruelly to persecute innocent targets." Although this quote is directed at political parties, it can apply to many other collectives or groups of people.

Why do groups or collectives become aggressive, violent and deceitful? Why do collectives "persecute innocent targets?"

Basically, the dark side of a personality or the shadow is the reason but for collectives it is the dark side of a group. This means that all the people belonging to the group begin to express the same dark elements, whether it is lying, violence, anger, deceit and so forth. All the people in the group function as one personality, expressing the same qualities, values and collective shadow expressions. We see this everyday in our political system, in professional sports, in families that "stick together," and so on.

When a member of a group expresses collective characteristics their individual nature is overridden. The person is no longer her or himself but a collective "they." You've heard from this "they" many times.

For example: They say that it's going to rain tomorrow or they say that eating less sugar is healthy. The group's collective shadow, an expression of "they," is so powerful that group members turn a blind eye to expressions and behaviors that can be destructive, aggressive, show a lack of concern for order, civil values and be violent.

There are many historic examples but the Nazi collective shadow and its blind group members are a prime example. We all know the atrocities brought forth by this collective shadow.

How do we recognize the collective shadow? Well, we can't when we are caught in its web, expressing the collective dark elements but we can recognize it when we are outside the web. The problem with this recognition is the potential retaliation from the shadow directed toward those of us who see it for what it is. And yet, that is what we need to do. Recognize it, stand up to it and denounce it. Of course, this is much easier said than done, but it does need to be said.

The collective shadow is present, today, in our daily lives. It brings chaos and destruction. It is imperative that we recognize it sooner than later.


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