My record speaks for its self

Absentee ballots are out! Its been a long campaign year and while my opponents’ staffers have now decided to send out attack ads lying about my record, I am still proud that our race for HD92 has for the most part been a really civil race.

Campaigns are hard. People on both sides put their heart and soul into trying to get their candidate elected and sometimes they feel like attacking their opponent is the best way to elect their candidate.

I am proud that throughout this campaign and the 2016 campaign, I have never put together a single attack ad against any of my opponents. I think people want to hear what a candidate plans to do if elected. They want to hear where you stand on the issues that matter to them and as candidates I feel like it is our job to provide you with as much information about ourselves and where we stand as possible, so you can make up your own mind at the ballot box.

In the Legislature, I serve you the way I campaigned. When you elected me in 2016, I said that I would serve on the Appropriations Committee to build responsible, balanced budgets that provided funding for our essential services without adding additional tax burdens to your personal budgets and that’s exactly what I did.

I said that I would fight against tax increases across the board. In the Legislature, I led the fight against the 18 tax increases that Democrats brought forward. With a strong Republican majority, we were able to defeat every single one of them, saving the people of Montana $300 million.

I said that I would always go to the mat to protect Montana’s Timber and Agriculture industries. In the Legislature, we defeated bills that would have made it harder for projects to go out to bid and I am proud to be endorsed by the Montana Farm Bureau for protecting Agriculture in Montana.

I said that I would work to deliver better funding for infrastructure by serving on the Infrastructure Committee. Improving our roads, bridges, schools and public safety here in the District and across Montana. We passed the largest investment in infrastructure in modern Montana history.

I said that if elected, I would support good bills and fight against bad bills regardless of whose name or party was at the top. In the Legislature, I am proud to have one of the most bipartisan records of any legislator in the state.

I said I would protect your 2nd Amendment rights. In the Legislature, I have 100 percent rating when it comes to the 2nd Amendment and I am proud to be endorsed by both the NRA and the Montana Shooting Sports Association.

Please make sure to get out and vote whether you plan to vote by absentee or at your polling place on Nov. 6th. It is an honor to work for you in the Montana Legislature and I am asking for your vote.


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