Remington rifle warning

Imagine that you are returning to your vehicle after a day of hunting with your child. Before you put your rifle in the gun rack, you push the safety off to open the bolt and remove the round in the chamber. The moment you hear the click of the safety mechanism the rifle goes off in your hands. The bullet ricochets and kills your child standing nearby. Imagine the damage a bullet designed to bring down an elk will do to a nine-year-old boy. It’s a memory I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

Sound crazy? It happened. Something similar happened to my son. And it will happen again. People have been killed or maimed by a gun they trusted to operate correctly.

Facts: Remington bolt action rifles have a two-position safety which must be moved to the off position to open the bolt and unload the gun. Remington rifles have a documented defective safety/trigger mechanism which allows for a “fire on safety release” failure. Rifles with the Walker trigger mechanism or the XMP trigger can fire unexpectedly simply by moving the safety to the off position. No finger on the trigger! Internal memos show that Remington has known about this defect since 1947 but chose not to fix it. This defect has maimed and killed people. There have been tens of thousands of complaints made regarding the Walker trigger alone.

Don’t believe me? Do your own research. Visit Remington Facts Counterpoint on Facebook to read the documentation or look it up online yourself. If you own a Remington bolt action rifle, take it to a gunsmith and have the trigger mechanism inspected and/or replaced before you take it out in the field. The life you save might be your own.


Sharon Teague


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