No insurance for lawsuit, board vacancy discussed

Seeley Lake Sewer

SEELEY LAKE – At the Sept. 20 meeting, Seeley Lake Sewer District Board President Beth Hutchinson announced the District doesn’t have insurance to cover the lawsuit spearheaded by Don Larson against the District. The board also discussed the uses for a recently received grant, the inter-local agreement with the county and filling the vacancy on the board.

The District’s attorney informed the directors that the 17-year-old insurance policy would not be covering the lawsuit. The District has approximately $179,000 in reserves but several things are already planned for those funds including match for grants and subsidizing operating and maintenance for early phases.

Hutchinson requested a current invoice from their attorney but it was not available at the meeting. She expressed concerns that the lawsuit could quickly burn up the District reserve.

Hutchinson has also asked the District’s attorney to review their current policy that started in July to make sure it covers the District appropriately. The previous policy was not purchased locally but through an out of town agency.

In an emailed manager’s report, District Manager Greg Robertson provided additional information on a grant recently secured through US Senator John Tester’s office. The $500,000 grant requires $166,000 matching funds that can come from various other funding agencies and/or the District reserves.

The grant can be used for design, securing rights of way, construction and construction administration. Robertson has placed the money into the contingency of Phase 1. The money could be used for other phases but would need Army Corps of Engineers approval.

Robertson also raised the issue that the inter-local agreement between the District and Missoula County expires in November. According to Robertson it is unlikely that it will be renewed in its current form. Currently, the agreement provides the District with Robertson as the contracted manager and other county resources at no charge.

Hutchinson asked Missoula County Commissioner Jean Curtiss, who was in attendance at the meeting, what changes she felt might be made.

“We haven’t really talked about that yet. I know that Greg has a lot of projects on his plate. I’m not sure that he has time. He doesn’t have time to just sit around while you decide [to move forward or not],” said Curtiss. “I think that as you decide to go forward it is probably in your best interest to hire a project manager as part of that process.”

When asked if the county would still perform construction engineering for the Phase 1 Collection System, Curtiss said the county would stick to any previous obligations that the county has made.

Robertson recommended the board reach out to the commissioners if the District wanted to continue the agreement.

Tension in the board between new members elected last May and longtime board members erupted during discussion of agenda items under the heading “Holes in Essential Information.” Longtime board member and former President Mike Boltz expressed his frustration with Hutchinson wanting to “waste money” obtaining construction estimates for Phase 3 and 4 as well as wanting to do income surveys.

Board members also disagreed on the timing for collecting user agreements. The District must collect user agreements as part of the letter of conditions for the funding package.

After it was suggested that items on the agenda needed a motion, second and vote just to start discussion, several agenda items were skipped by without discussion including the lawsuit, conflict of interest statements, modifying elements of the project and support staff rolls.

Discussion resumed regarding filling the vacant board position. To qualify for the sewer board a person must be registered to vote, 18 years of age or older, a United States citizen and a resident or owner of real property within the District who is a resident of Montana. To apply: send a resume to; mail resume to PO Box 403, Seeley Lake; or apply in person at the Oct. 18 meeting.

The board plans to make the appointment at the October board meeting. If there is more than one qualified applicant and board members cannot agree on whom to appoint, names will be put in a hat and drawn.

The next regular board meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m., Oct. 18 at the Seeley Lake Senior Center, 707 Pine Drive, Seeley Lake.


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