Strong enough to bend

Cowgirl Ramblings

It was a hot, high noon in July as I topped Pyramid Pass headed down canyon on an eight-day backcountry trip to the heart of the Bob Marshall. I'd seen the burn scar late last fall after the fires subsided. I knew the devastation that lay ahead, but as I rode through it with fresh eyes of summer, I felt my heart strings twinge and the insurmountable lump in my throat form. I worked to fight back tears as my eyes took in the charred landscape sending more heart pangs deep in my chest and feeling them make way to the pit of my stomach. Gut punched. Heartsick.

Tears welled and I pinched my eyes s...


Reader Comments(1)

CarrieB writes:

Heather - this column is beautiful! Thank you for articulating how we need a long view when devastation occurs, while at the same time acknowledging the pain of the devastation. Your writing is inspiring. Bless you!