A Few Things Learned from Last Week's Sewer Board Meeting

SEELEY LAKE - I attended the meeting of the Seeley Lake Sewer District last week and I learned a few things.

1. The water quality in Seeley Lake is excellent; among the best in Montana. The lake is not being polluted by individual septic systems in the community. In fact the groundwater in the surrounding area does not enter the lake. Neither does it mix with other surface water. So, the whole argument that we have to have a sewer system because we are polluting the lake is a scam.

2. The problem pointed out by the Health Department is high nitrate levels in the ground water. However, they do not exceed the state standard. The potential problem from high nitrate levels in the groundwater is well contamination. But the Seeley Lake Water District pumps out of the lake. So do we really have a big problem here?

3. Nitrates are not removed by individual septic systems; neither the simple septic systems that most of us have, nor the more sophisticated systems being advocated and required by Missoula County. The County has written a letter to the Sewer District Board threatening more stringent regulations and enforcement on existing and new septic systems in our community if the sewer system isn’t built. But is that really going to address the high nitrate levels in the ground water? Missoula County just wants those of us who own property in Seeley Lake to build, and pay for, a sewer system. No other option is offered by the County.

4. Nobody knows what the proposed sewer project will cost. The Sewer District has not defined the cost for existing homes to hook up to the new system, and what items may, or may not, be included (additional piping, pumps, landscaping, paving, etc.) The overall message from the County was that you (those of us in the Sewer District) need to get the sewer built, and then we’ll figure how we might help you pay for it.

5. The Seeley Lake Sewer District Board has not held elections for officers since the recent election. That is required by state law 7-13-2271. Apparently the three new members of the Board have not been allowed to participate in proposing agenda items, and a formal motion made, and seconded, by two of the new members was not voted on. The sitting chairman violated the rules of parliamentary procedure, and denied them their rights as Board members. That kind of behavior by a chairperson is unconscionable. It’s time to hold elections for officers.

6) A large majority of us in the sewer district recently voted in three new Board members. They ran on a platform to step back from the proposed sewer project, and take another look at the issue. As I noted above, polluting the lake is not the problem. So let’s move forward with re-evaluating the whole thing and investigate all of the options. We may just find that we can come up with a better solution. I certainly hope so.

Respectfully Submitted,

Doug Hadnot


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