Agencies Working for Job Protection

What does the U.S. Forest Service, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corp of Engineers all have in common? They are all involved in job protection regardless of the cost to the U.S. taxpayer.

We all know about the Forest Service and their “We fight fires, we don’t put them out” policy. They certainly don’t manage the forest properly by thinning trees and underbrush to avoid the costly fires.

The EPA and Army Corp of Engineers seems to have the same policy of always responding after the fact.

The EPA doesn’t seem to care about industrial pollution until the industry closes and then they just keep coming back to the problem. It seems the only environment they care about is that of their paycheck.

Then there is the famous Army Corp of Engineers and their policy of informing us year after year on how to fill sand bags and where to put them, instead of offering even a few protective measures. No wonder we have so much taxpayer waste in our cities and states. The Federal government is a great teacher.

Please elect representatives that feel responsible to all taxpayers, not just special interests


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