Open Book Club Presents "The Gathering Place: Swan Valley's Gordon Ranch"

SWAN VALLEY - Please join us as Alpine Artisans Open Book Club presents "The Gathering Place, Swan Valley's Gordon Ranch" Saturday, July 21, at 7 p.m. on the lawn of the Swan Valley Historical Society Museum. The authors will read from the book and tell other stories about life at the ranch.

Long before it was called the Gordon Ranch, this natural prairie in the Swan River Valley of western Montana has always been a gathering place. From the Pend d'Oreille people gathering to dig camas, to the Hollands bringing hunters together for a pack trip, to the mapmakers and surveyors gathering to resupply and camp, to Dr. Gordon and family coming to celebrate the newly constructed lodge, to the Doctors Renick and Witherspoon adding on to the lodge and to the Koessler family dude ranching and building a lumber mill, the Gordon Ranch provided many hardy souls with shelter, companionship and sustenance.

The book includes letters from early visitors which detail the rigors of travel to the ranch by wagon, horseback and foot over primitive trails and the adventures those early visitors had while staying at the ranch. It also provides an in-depth history of the circumstances leading to the Swan Massacre.

Do come and enjoy this special event celebrating the rich history of the Upper Swan Valley. Free and everyone welcome. In case of rain, the presentation will be moved to the Swan Valley Community Hall.


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