Community Briefs

Reminder - Use Common Sense, Be Safe this Fourth

Local emergency officials are asking everyone to use common sense this Fourth of July.

Fireworks are prohibited on state and federal lands. According to Greenough-Potomac Volunteer Fire Chief Ryan Hall, shooting off fireworks is also not allowed in designated forested lands, land within one air mile of forest as defined by the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation. This leaves very few places were fireworks are allowed in the Blackfoot, Clearwater and Swan Valleys.

While the fire danger is low due to all the moisture, fireworks can still cause a fire and spread quickly if there is wind in the grass, needles and ignite trees if shot into the crown.

“The bottom line is always follow fire restrictions. If you start a fire with fireworks (wildland or structure) you are liable,” said Hall.

Seeley Lake Fire Chief Dave Lane asks everyone to be aware of their surroundings. This includes being considerate of other people and animals. Maintain safe distances when driving and shooting off fireworks. Also avoid emergency scenes and other gatherings that appear to be getting out of hand.

Swan Valley AARP Meeting, July 3

Swan Valley - The Swan Valley AARP will meet at 12 p.m., Tuesday, July 3 at the picnic area behind Swan Valley Connections.  A bring-your-own lunch will begin at 12:30 p.m.  No presentation is scheduled for this meeting.

Aquatic Invasive Species Campfire Talk, July 6

Swan Valley - Swan Valley Connections will host a Campfire Talk on Aquatic Invasive Species, Friday, July 6 at 8 p.m. at Holland Lake Day Use Area in Condon. Learn about zebra and quagga mussels and the people, ecology and methods involved in the prevention of aquatic invasive species. This is an opportunity for community members to come together, connect with each other and with nature.

Campfire Talk presentations will be held every Friday in July and are free. Everyone is welcome. Attendees are encouraged to bring a lawn chair or picnic blanket and flashlight. Contact 754-3137 or for more information.


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