Change Your Pace Challenge Starts May 24

SEELEY LAKE – The Seeley Lake Community Foundation is holding the Change Your Pace Challenge for the third year from May 24-Aug. 3. A percentage of the donations to 16 local non-profits will be matched by the Foundation with the intent to increase the fundraising power in the community.

The biggest change this year is the CYP Challenge will not be associated with the Bob Marshall Music Festival.

"The festival is more of a tourist draw and brings in a lot of people from out of town," said the Foundation's Executive Director Claire Muller who further explained the participating organizations didn't get the exposure they had hoped for.

This year the Foundation has decided to hold "Seeley Lake Celebrates" Aug. 26. It will be a local event for Seeley Lake with all 16 organizations participating in the CYP Challenge. There will be games, food and a dunk tank and the community is invited to come celebrate.

"Our vision is that it is kind of a town, volunteer appreciation day and a celebration for all the organizations in town," said Muller. "Not only is that going to be great outreach for new folks to hear from the participating organizations but it is going to be a fun celebration to commemorate what we have done together. It's also going to be a great way to thank everyone at once since so many people do such great work here in this community."

Organizations participating in the 2018 CYP Challenge include: Alpine Artisans; Blackfoot Chapter of Trout Unlimited; Blackfoot Challenge; Camp Utmost; Seeley Lake Area Chamber of Commerce; Destinations for Education; Driftriders Snowmobile Club; Seeley Lake Lions Club; Loving Hearts; Seeley Lake ROCKS; Sela Senci – Think Young (Senior Citizens Center); Seeley Lake Elementary Outdoor Leadership Project; Sparrow's Vine; Sullivan Memorial Community Park; Upper Swan Valley Historical Society and the Veterans & Families of Seeley Lake.

To support these local groups or the Foundation's matching fund, checks must be made out to the Seeley Lake Community Foundation between May 24-Aug. 3. Donors are asked to fill out the brochure and designate the organizations and amounts for each to ensure the donations go to the proper organizations.

Brochures would mailed to local postal customers and will be available from the participating organizations and at the Foundation Office in the Bison and Bear Center. Brochures and the check can be mailed to the Foundation at Box 25, Seeley Lake, MT 59868 or dropped of at the Foundation.

"I think this is such a great way to bring the community together. A collaborative fundraising model like this can really help build some awareness of what community philanthropy can accomplish," said Muller. "That is the whole point of the Seeley Lake Community Foundation. A flagship program is a great way to great a lot of people involved and help raise awareness of what all the organizations are doing."


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