Schlabach Addressing the Key Issues for HD92

With the primary election less than a month away it's time to reflect on where we have been and where we are headed. I have been busy knocking on doors and enjoyed visiting with many of you about the important issues and topics across our diverse district. One thing I know to be true; from Clinton to East Missoula to the Swan Valley you are an engaged and passionate group of constituents. While the issues are as diverse as the people in the district, a few key topics rose to the forefront of the many discussions I have had in the past few months.

Education in its many forms is something everyone cares about. The idea of investing in our future to provide our children with the best opportunities possible is something I strongly support.

I just finished my Masters at the University of Montana and as a public school teacher I have personal experience in the power of education. Education opens doors and breaks down barriers of inequality. Education is multi-faceted and needs to encompass both four and two year degrees that focus on skilled labor for which we are seeing a high need in our district. Providing opportunities for all students to achieve their highest potential is the measure by which we should determine our success as a generation.

House District 92 encompasses some of the most breathtaking natural beauty in Montana, which is evident in people's desire for access to our public lands. Whether it be a fly fisherman on the Blackfoot, a hunter climbing the high ridges in search of elk, a hiker seeking the solitude of a high alpine lake or an outfitter packing in a family trip into the Bob Marshall Wilderness, the value of public lands is clear in my conversations with constituents. The economic value of our public lands is a major reason why people want to live here and visit from far away.

Each community in the district has an identity that makes it unique in its own right and maintaining and strengthening this diversity is something I care about deeply. Protecting small businesses whether they are small cottage industries at home or larger enterprises like Pyramid Lumber ensures the long-term economic viability of each town and region.

Making sure that our kids can afford to live and work in our district after high school or college is the only way to sustain our identity into the next generation. Providing affordable healthcare, a living wage, and striking a balance between all stakeholders in the wise use of our natural resources is central to accomplishing this.

I would appreciate your vote this primary election, whether it be by mail-in ballot or at the polls on June 5th. I would love to hear from you and can be contacted at, via phone at 406-210-2990, or on Facebook at

Thank you for your support!

P.S. I have recently received the endorsement of the Montana Federation of Public Employees.


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