Blackhawks Wrap up Regular Season

MISSOULA - The Seeley-Swan Blackhawks competed at the Kim L. Haines Invitational May 5. It was the last meet of the season before the 13C District meet. In team points, the Boys tied with Manhattan Christian for second place with 65 points behind Loyola Sacred Heart with 97 while the Girls earned 53 points for third place behind Powell County with 68 and Manhattan Christian with 74.

The Boys relay teams continued to show their dominance in the 4x100 and 4x400 taking first place in both. The 4x100 team consisting of Logan Robinson, Hunter Shelmerdine, Cameron Haines and Dakota Wood put up their fastest time of the season at 45.26 seconds.

Logan Maughan earned the only first place for the Boys in individual events, winning the 800-meter with a time of 2:06.18 minutes. Nate Samuli threw for a new personal record of 153 feet 9 inches and second place in the javelin while Shelmerdine edged out Maughan for second place in the 400-meter by 0.06 of a second. Robinson scored a couple of third places in the 100 and 200-meter events.

For the Lady Blackhawks, Klaire Kovatch earned a first place in the discus and broke the school record. Terra Bertsch became the first Lady Blackhawk to auto qualify for state in two events this season. She was already qualified in the high jump and now, with a vault of 8 feet 6 inches, she is qualified in the pole vault. Bertsch earned second place in the pole vault, took third in the high jump and fourth in the 100-meter hurdles while Autumn Morse earned second in the javelin and Ashley Miller took third in the triple jump.

The team heads to the 13C District meet May 11 and 12. Based on rankings available on, both the Boys and Girls should be able to advance one or more athletes in nearly every event to the Western C Divisional meet the following week.


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