Next Step to Implement Regional Draft Plan

Swan Valley Community Council

SWAN VALLEY - Members of the Swan Valley Community Council discussed the next step needed to implement the second draft of the Swan Valley Regional Draft Plan at their meeting April 17. They voted for each SVCC member to prioritize the more than 20 comments they received pertaining to the plan before the next meeting May 15. The comments along with the draft plans can be found by visiting:

Chair Ken Donovan said that the comments will be discussed at open meetings and then voted upon as to what will be amended in the second draft. It was decided that the Planning Committee would remain intact so that they could adjust or amend the document if the SVCC deemed it necessary.

An attendee asked the council if the Lake County comments received as much weight as Missoula County comments. Donovan replied if the ideas move the valley in a positive direction, it doesn’t matter where they come from.

In other business, Building and Development Programs Manager with Missoula County Public Works Nicole Whyte spoke at the meeting about the county’s new GIS property information system. Whyte said that any property in the county can be searched and anything recorded on the property is accessible. She recommended buyers search properties they are interested in to find out information about access, easements, septic systems, well or building restrictions. She said it is important to know such things before purchasing the property not after when it is too late.

The GIS Property Information System can be found at For more information email Whyte at

The next meeting, May 15, will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Swan Valley Community Hall.


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