McDermott Committed to Fair and Ethical Campaign

My re-election campaign for Sheriff is committed to fair and ethical campaigns and behaviors. We are firmly opposed to the type of behavior Mr. Wafstet has indicated in his emails, by any supporter of any candidate running for any political office.

I’m not aware of any candidate from any political party that has the ability to control those who attend political events and for whatever reason decide to participate in this type of conduct. Therefore, it would be unfair to insinuate or try to link any candidate or somehow the operation of the Sheriff’s Office to the actions of those who behave in this manner.

My team arrived in Seeley Lake for the forum without any knowledge of the unruly and disappointing behaviors that we later heard about occurring prior to our arrival.

If I had seen anybody put up these types of signs, I would have asked them to take them down and remove them. Our campaign does not condone such behaviors nor will it ever.

Hopefully what I demonstrated in the forum last night was that I kept my comments related to the great work being done by the brave men and women of the Sheriff’s Office and my vision for the office moving forward.

I will not attack other candidates or make any false statements in order to get media coverage or mislead voters. I hope my opponents will do the same.


Sheriff TJ McDermott 

Missoula, Mont.


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