For many, using GPS (Global Positioning Service) is a helpful convenience to find directions in the car with very little hassle. For a reasonable cost, users can connect with multiple satellites in their cars to be directed all over the world. However, this is not reliable for everyone…especially for Australia.
Australian GPS information was last updated in 1994 and the entire continent has moved approximately five feet since then. For drivers locating someone’s house or a store to visit, this isn’t a major issue. However, there are many systems that now depend upon accurate GPS information. For example, driverless tractors have come into regular use and depend upon precise coordinates to harvest crops. In this case, change is a liability.
Considering the many attributes of God, we can rest in the fact that God never changes. We can trust the Lord and rely upon God because we can be certain of His character. We can be certain that God will always be consistent in His love for each of us and will never change Who He is.
We can count on God’s unchanging love and that He desires to have a love relationship with us. The Bible tells us, “Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” (James 1:17, NLT)
Our world is full of uncertainty, even entire continents that move, which could cause us to be fearful of change. Within this uncertainty, it is God’s unchanging attributes and unchanging love that we can firmly plant our feet upon.
Every person is born with the desire to disobey God, to refuse to live by God’s rule and instead follow what we want to do. The Bible calls this sin, and disobedience against God breaks the relationship with the Lord and ultimately leads to eternal death.
Yet, God has provided a rescue plan to restore the love relationship every person has been created to enjoy with God. God’s rescue plan is Jesus Christ. Not only can we be certain that God can bring us peace with Himself but Jesus will also never, ever change.
In the Bible, we see that, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8, NIV) Not only can we be certain that God will never change, we can trust that what Jesus offers will not change either. Only the death of Jesus on the cross, and Christ rising from the dead can save us, and restore our relationship with God.
The wonderful attributes of God allow us to understand Who God is and how we can be in relationship with Him. This is a certainty for us to rest in that will never move or change.
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