JeffreyJames Halvorson Running for Missoula County Commissioner

MISSOULA - I believe everyone should have a say in their government. I want to write laws that force Commissioners to send important issues to the voting booth for the people to decide, such as all property tax increases, sales taxes, building permits and fees, subdivision regulations and social laws like legalizing at-home use of marijuana. Important changes should be approved by the people, not dictated by three Commissioners as they have been for the last 18 years. Public comment is not the same as a vote of the people. Exactly why our forefathers demanded independence from British rule.

Rural county residents have no representatives they elect by themselves. The 66,000 people that live in the city of Missoula will always out-vote the 40,000 non-city residents.  While the city council has 12 representatives elected by six different voting areas, the entirety of Missoula County, including the city, votes for all three of the county commissioners. I want to redesign elections, so every area has a representative elected by them alone.

I believe property rights belong to the owner of the property, not the community. I will work to repeal building permits and not impose zoning on privately owned land.

While some people want fancy houses in covenant-enforced neighborhoods, many just want to have money and time to do the things they want before they die, and compromise with a basic home, trailer or tiny home. County regulations should not prohibit them from using these affordable housing options.

I believe open space money should be used only for the purchase of land for parks, community gardens, bike routes and areas allowing public access to rivers and trails, not to create tax-free land for private estate holders.

I believe government should help people use their land, not prohibit them from using it. I was sued for giving young adults and veterans free food and a free place to stay on my eight commercial acres near Arlee. I was told I needed a license and could only have three bedrooms on the property. After five years fighting the county in court, I won the right to have six bedrooms and did not need a license to help others.

My neighbors moved when they could not find decent paying jobs. I have helped friends move out of apartments because they could not afford the rent and from homes they lost to foreclosure. I have seen Montana dreams reduced to tears.

We need to make permanent housing, not temporary rentals, plentiful and affordable. I don't think people should have to settle for lower wages just because they live in Missoula. We need to brings jobs to Missoula, and create opportunities so people don't need charity and they have money to donate themselves. I don't believe more government can save Missoula, but I believe that private industry can. Missoula government needs to help, not harass and prohibit it.

I am JeffreyJames Halvorson and I am running for County Commissioner.


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