Slotnick Embodies Collaboration

MISSOULA - I write in support of Josh Slotnick, the Democratic candidate for the Missoula County Board of Commissioners. Josh has been my mentor since I worked at his family farm in 2011, then as a Teaching Assistant and employee at the PEAS Farm. He continues to mentor my work as a beginning farmer and professionally in Missoula’s nonprofit sector.

Josh models how to build community for long-term sustainable growth. I experience firsthand his ability to listen respectfully to divergent viewpoints, resulting in constructive and forward-thinking action.

Josh is well-practiced at weaving individuals’ needs into the fabric of the high quality of life we experience in Missoula. When we worked together at the PEAS farm, Josh taught me how reaching across sectors in the community could help build healthy large-scale systems. What stands out from that time is that the basis for building a healthy community meant slowing down enough to truly listen.

Josh embodies this lesson, learning the needs of those coming from different economic and social backgrounds. He embodies collaboration every day as he shares his time and skills to make change in support of long-lasting community health.

Please join me in supporting Josh Slotnick for County Commissioner.


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