Dr. Al Olszewski Only Choice for Sixth Amendment Rights

It is obvious that Russ Fagg is encouraged that he is being supported by so many establishment type politicians in his campaign for the U.S. Senate. For the most part these same politicians were those who opposed Donald Trump. Some people would consider them as part of the political swamp that must be drained.

In law school it did not take me long to understand why so many lawyers tend to be progressive type political thinkers. Most of my fellow students and almost all of my law school professors had political science backgrounds. Frank Goodnow one of the founders of the political science major was a well known progressive political thinker. The progressives believe that the only rights you have come from the democratic process. These thinkers believe that they have "progressed" in their thinking way beyond believing in any inalienable rights that any creator may have endowed us with. Many of those thinkers do not believe in a creator at all. This is why almost all lawyers turned politicians do not believe that our fellow citizens should have the right to protect us by government over reach by not enforcing an unjust or unfair law against us . Our founders meant juries should be able to do this under the sixth amendment . The late Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia was very clear in proclaiming that juries have this right.

Dr. Al Olszewski agrees completely with the late Justice Antonin Scalia regarding our jury rights under the sixth amendment. If you truly believe in Liberty and Justice for all, Dr. Al Olszewski is your only choice in the republican primary.


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