Information Sought on Dumped Animals

SWAN VALLEY – Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Game Warden Bill Koppen is looking for more information regarding the killing of two mature bald eagles and a young buck that were dumped in the Beaver Creek area. A monetary award is available if information leads to an arrest and conviction.

A Swan Valley resident reported the eagles and young buck carcasses to FWP after finding them Feb. 12. The eagles and head and front legs of the young buck were three quarters of a mile off Highway 83 at mile marker 31 on the Beaver Creek Road.

Koppen said the animals appeared to be dumped since the road is not routinely travelled in the winter. He said by the time he was able to find the animals, a bobcat had eaten everything. “All I found was feathers.”

To provide more information call 1-800-TIP-MONT to remain anonymous. Koppen can also be reached at 406-210-1299.


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