The Smiles Never Stopped

Sledapalooza in Seeley Lake

SEELEY LAKE – Toting a sled to top of the hill was a small price to pay for the thrill of flying down the hill behind the Marxes' home in Seeley Lake. The most adventurous tried to catch the most air off the air-time jump while the younger children stuck to the kiddie hill at the seventh annual Sledapalooza.

Shana and Kyle Marx started hosting the Sledapalooza sledding party when their son Finn was three-years-old.

"I have wonderful memories of sledding parties when I was a kid," wrote Shana in an email.

Their backyard is a steep hill with a nice flat run-out. They put hay bales in front of their wellhead and the juniper tree at the bottom of the slope. They also built a jump for those daring enough to try it.

What started with one family coming over to sled turned into nearly 30 people coming for this year's event. Finn gave personal invites to his friends and Shana sent out invites on Facebook to family and friends.

"For the most part it is friends and family, co-workers and their families, and we're open to anyone coming over for the day. This year we had family come over from Washington to join us," wrote Shana. "Each year we see new faces."

Many of the adults gathered around the fire watching their children play in the snow. For those that needed a break or to warm up, the Marxes offered chili and other goodies inside.

"We love doing this because we enjoy having our friends and families coming together for a good time, we have a great venue with our hill and our home, and I want Finn to have the same kind of great memories I had as a child," wrote Shana. "Even though there's snow on the ground, that doesn't mean we can't get together and go outside to play!"


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