Community Briefs

Puck Drops Friday for Annual Seeley Lake Pond Hockey Tournament

SEELEY LAKE - Despite the three feet of snow that fell last week, Seeley Lake Pond Hockey organizers worked over time to get the rinks on Seeley Lake ready for this weekend. The first puck drops at 4:50 p.m. Friday, Jan. 5 with the first co-rec game of the tournament. The championship games are scheduled between 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Sunday afternoon depending on the division.

There are 44 teams participating this year. Everyone is invited to come down and watch the action.

Please visit for the most current schedule.

FREE Dogsledding and Skijoring Fun Run Jan. 6 & 7

SEELEY LAKE - All mushers (beginning or experienced) and all skijorers are invited to Montana Mountain Mushers Fun Run on Jan. 6 and Jan. 7 at the Seeley Lake Trailhead (Morrell Creek), just north of Seeley Lake. Park in the mushers parking lot and be ready to run.

Participants will run their dog(s) Saturday and Sunday between 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. There will be lots of hands-on training for everyone.

Whether you are a recreational musher, want to start skijoring or would like to race, this Free Fun Run is a must. Participants are encouraged to bring their sleds, skis and dogs to run each day. All skill levels are welcome and it will be a fun, relaxed and great way to run your dogs with experienced dog mushers. Registration is required.

For information, call 406-881-2909 or 406-677-3141, go online to or e-mail for a registration form.

Public Hearing to Amend Cottonwood Gravel Pit CUP, Jan. 11

DEER LODGE - The Powell County Planning Board will hold a public hearing at 1 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 11 in the Meeting Room at William K. Kohrs Memorial Library to consider a request to amend the conditions applied to the gravel pit operator, Deer Creek Excavating, LLC for the Cottonwood Gravel Pit on Cottonwood Lakes Road east of Seeley Lake. The Double Arrow Landowner Association board requests the Planning Board permission to delete the condition specifying the haul route conditioned in the conditional use permit (CUP). The petitioners wish to utilize Evergreen Drive to access projects located in the Double Arrow Ranch. The gravel pit is located in Section 31 of Township 17N, Range 14W.

The Planning Board has the authority to render a decision on a CUP request after the public hearing portion of the meeting. The Planning Board invites all interested parties to attend or submit comments. The petition and all supporting materials are available for viewing at the Powell County Planning Department, 409 Missouri Ave., Suite 101, Deer Lodge, Mont. Contact County Planning Director Carl Hamming at 406-846-9729 for further information.

Potomac School Board to Discuss School Firearms Policies and More

POTOMAC - Potomac School Board has several items for discussion at their upcoming meeting Jan. 8. The meeting will take place at the history center/library at Potomac School at 7 p.m.

Topics to discuss include:

• The future of the adult education program for Potomac.  Community members have ideas on different classes that may be offered to the community.

• Discussion and possible decision regarding the future of the Explorers program.

• Continued discussion regarding whether or not designated school employees should be allowed to possess firearms on school property as a means of protecting the students and staff.

Everyone is encouraged to attend.

Missoula Project Community Connect, Jan. 26

MISSOULA - The Missoula County Employee Council is proud to support the 12th Annual Project Community Connect (formerly Project Homeless Connect) Jan. 26 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Zootown Church, 3623 Brooks Street, Missoula. The event is designed to provide critical services and hospitality to our most vulnerable community members who are at-risk of becoming homeless or are literally experiencing homelessness; these are people with disabilities, people who have served our country, as well as children and families.

Our local Project Community Connect is part of a national movement and historically coincides with the Department of Housing and Urban Development Point in Time Survey, a homeless census that takes place every January. Project Community Connect demonstrates broad community support to those experiencing housing crises in Missoula County through human connections and core services that can help lead to self-sufficiency. It is designed as a “one-stop” service model with over 100 community organizations and businesses coming together to help meet our community members’ basic survival needs while they work towards obtaining housing stability. Services include: haircuts, clothes, food, pet vaccines, pet food, ID’s, dental cleanings, various medical checks, etc.

In 2017, over 2400 services were provided to 305 Missoulians with the help and support of 156 volunteers and 113 community organizations and businesses.

Rides can be provided to interested residents in the Seeley Lake area. For more information or to schedule a ride call Linda Howard, 406-541-7688. For more information about the project visit their Facebook page, 


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