Interim Chief Hired for Seeley Lake

SEELEY LAKE - We are delighted to announce our new interim Fire Chief, Michael Greer. This is in response to our current community needs and the department in an effort to be expeditious and proactive in moving forward in protecting and servicing our community.

Greer is also a Critical Care Paramedic/MD pursuing residency. He brings extensive skills in management, supervisory qualities and proven relationship building. Greer previously provided oversight under a Department of Defense contract with 120 + medics, doctors and mid-level providers and medical staff, in 27 clinics, providing primary and urgent care overseas.

Greer also lived in Seeley Lake prior. He also served with the Seeley Lake Fire Company including teaching as an instructor to our volunteers. Greer possesses management skills, extraordinary character, and pleasant demeanor and is welcomed openly by all. Please welcome him as you see him around town and on the job.

Greer will start with the District effective Nov. 20. He has committed up until about June 2018 and possibly longer. He is pursuing his M.D. residency, however, he would also be eligible to apply for the permanent position should he decide that path.

In the meantime, we will be posting for the Fire Chief position in the future and accepting applications up through about February 2018. At that time will we will review all applicants and strategize with an agenda with a hire date to coincide with the interim position, anticipating and planning a smooth transition.

I will keep you updated as to updates and changes.


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