Potomac School Balances Ideas and Issues

POTOMAC – The Potomac School Board heard public concerns and addressed regular items including reports and the principal’s plan at their Oct. 9 meeting.

During public comment a letter from a community member was read raising concerns about volunteer positions at the school and sport policies. In some sports, volunteer coaches have been told they are not to coach anymore because staff will be used as coaches.

Other concerns included the new bus policy where parents and siblings are not to ride to or from games anymore on the busses due to liability.

There was also confusion around refereeing rules whether or not referees are to be provided for Potomac sports.

Since the public comment time is not an agenda item the board cannot discuss the concerns. They listened and may put issues on the agenda at another meeting.

Principal John Rouse presented a revised strategic plan at the meeting which the board approved.

The plan includes community communication, school funding ideas, handbook revisions, budgeting and more.

Second and third-grade teacher and volleyball coach Kristy Pohlman commented on the need for a new volleyball net. Because she feels it is important for children (age appropriate) to understand finances, she discussed the cost with the students.

Potomac/Greenough Community Center (PGCC) representatives attended and said how important it is to have communication between the school and the PGCC.

Other comments include the creation of a school safety committee and emergency response plan, bringing wood chips onto the playground as well as adding another railing on the wheelchair ramp.

The school calendar was approved as was the revised parent/student handbook, out-of-district students and the 2016-2017 audit.

The class of 2018 is in its early planning stages for the class trip. The PGCC said they support the class trip and fundraising efforts. Rouse will hold a parent/student meeting Oct. 30 at 6 p.m. at the school.

Solidarity with the Potomac community is important to the school board. Communication and outreach is part of the strategic plan and is on the agenda for next month’s school board meeting Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. with a focus on community support.

“We value our relationship with the community and appreciate the public being at the meeting,” said school board chair Cliff Vann. “We do take them [public] seriously.”


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