Rely on Facts When Deciding on Seeley Lake Sewer

SEELEY LAKE - I’m thankful to live in a community and nation that respects opinions. I respect the opinions of those arguing against a sewer system for Seeley Lake and know they have the best intentions for our community. We must, however, deal with facts when making a decision that will significantly impact our future.

Some facts regarding sewer systems and sewage:

• A couple of excerpts from the six-page Wastewater section of the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card (easily found via on-line search) -- The nation’s 14,728 wastewater treatment plants are the most basic and critical infrastructure systems for protecting public health and the environment – nearly 240 million Americans, 76 percent of the population, rely on the nations 14,748 treatment plants for wastewater sanitation.

• Studies of Seeley Lake’s groundwater indicate significantly elevated nitrate and chloride levels. A sewer system would provide significantly better treatment of wastewater before it returns to groundwater.

Sewer systems are widely seen as an essential building block for communities. Let’s continue to respect opinions but rely on facts when making decisions as important as a sewer system for Seeley Lake.

“You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.” – Daniel Patrick Moynihan


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