Board Accepts RD's New Conditions

Seeley Lake Sewer

SEELEY LAKE - The Seeley Lake Sewer District Board voted at a special board meeting Sept. 14 to accept Rural Development’s (RD) new conditions for funding that includes an extra $1 million in grants and $1.3 million in loans.

The extra funding to cover the increase in construction estimates for Phase I of the collection system and the treatment plant brings the funding package to a total of $15.6 million.

Board member Bob Skiles questioned if Manager Greg Robertson had reviewed the letter. Robertson was not at the meeting but Robertson had seen the letter.

The board discussed the requirement for 148 (118 residential and 30 non-residential) signed user agreements. Skiles questioned if there were 30 non-residential locations in Phase I. A quick count revealed that the number wasn’t unreasonable.

Board President Mike Boltz questioned the requirement to have a Conflict of Interest Policy. His concern was that no contractors should be eliminated from the bidding process just because they knew someone on the board. If that were the case, no local contractors would be able to work on the project.

It was discussed that if there were a conflict, the particular board member should refrain from voting on that issue but it shouldn’t eliminated the contractor’s chance at doing the project.

The Letter of Conditions states that if the actual cost of construction comes in under the estimates, the reduction in funding will be applied to RD grant funds first.

The Pathfinder asked if the $600,000 grant recently acquired through Senator Jon Tester’s office was included. It was not immediately clear how the grant would be applied so the Pathfinder sent the question to District Manager Robertson who was not at the board meeting.

“I have not reviewed the letter (Letter of Conditions) in any detail as I have had other things on my calendar. RD did tell me that they did include it in the funding request,” wrote Robertson.

Upon further review, the $600,000 does appear to be included in the “other funding” when compared to the previous Letter of Conditions.

RD did not respond to the question regarding the $600,000 from the Pathfinder prior to the press deadline.

The four present board members voted unanimously to sign the Letter of Intent to Meet Conditions.

The next sewer board meeting is scheduled for 5:15 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 21 at the Missoula County Satellite Office located at 3360 Highway 83. The public outreach meeting that was scheduled following the regular meeting was postponed.


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